Connection, compassion, and community on the Hāmākua Coast.

Who are we?

Rainbow Bridge Hawaii is a space for future healers to heal.

Rainbow Bridge Hawaii is a destination for healing and a place to commune with others and nature. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit and a plant-based ecovillage that invites everyone to practice compassionate and responsible living with us. Since Grigor’s purchase of the land, one of the strongest intentions was the creation of a land trust, returning this land back to the land in its sovereign glory, with our community as its devoted stewards.

Our Mission

Our mission is for Rainbow Bridge to be a healing space for relational transformation through the experience of interconnectedness and compassion.

Our Vision

The Rainbow Bridge community continually deepens their connection to each other and the land while holding a space for outsiders to experience empowerment, healing, and transformation through events, programs, and volunteer opportunities.

What we do

We are stewards and caretakers of all living beings.

Land Stewardship

At Rainbow Bridge Hawaii, we wish to create a new relationship to land ownership. We live 100% off-grid and drink fresh stream and rain water. There is a 5 acre lychee orchard, and we practice beyond organic regenerative agriculture with our ever expanding permaculture food forest.

Animal Community

Our land is home to rescued animals including: 16 dairy cows, 1 Kona Nightingale donkey, 3 horses, chickens, cats, friendly dogs, honey bees and a plethora of wild birds and animals. We are devoted to making this a land of compassion and harmony in our relationships to the animals, land, and one another.

Intentional Community

Rainbow Bridge Hawaii is a vibrant and harmonious intentional community that fosters a deep sense of connection and togetherness. Our love for the land is palpable as we gather for community events, bringing our residents, visitors, and neighbors together in celebration.

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”

— Rabindranath Tagore

Support Rainbow Bridge Hawaii

Would you like to support our mission?

Here at Rainbow Bridge Hawaii, we operate under the spirit of the gift. There are many ways you can participate and support in our mission here, including volunteering, internships, promotion, gifts, and more. If you have any ideas of other ways you would love to support, please contact us!

Here at Rainbow Bridge Hawaii, we operate under the spirit of the gift. Our mission is to one day create a land trust, returning this land back to the island, with us as its devoted stewards. There are many ways you can participate and support in our mission here, including volunteering, internships, promotion, gifts, and more. If you have any ideas of other ways you would love to support, please contact us!

Contact us

Have questions? Reach out to us!

Do you have questions about contribution? Internships? Business inquiries? Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can!