Our Animal Community

Our farm helps animals thrive and ecosystems flourish.

Rainbow Bridge is home to a diverse family of animals, With 16 gentle dairy cows, two miniature zebu cows, a friendly Kona Nightingale donkey, 3  horses, a bustling community of chickens, a few colonies of honey bees, and a variety of loving dogs and cats, our farm is a blend of different species coexisting in harmony.

Our Cows

A second chance for compassion and a life of freedom.

Our rescued dairy cows thrive in a herd, experiencing the joy of communal living. Through holistic rotational grazing, we ensure not only their physical well-being but also contribute to the sustainable regeneration of our pastures. Together, they embody a testament to compassion, resilience, and the transformative power of ethical care.

We have begun the breeding process with other breeds of cows that are more suitable for tropical climates and smaller Hawaiian farms and believe that they can vastly improve the symbiosis of holistic farming systems.

Rotational grazing for cows is vital as it mimics natural herd movement, preventing overgrazing and fostering healthier pastures. This practice supports biodiversity, soil fertility, and water retention, key components of holistic management. By integrating rotational grazing into our holistic approach, we prioritize both animal welfare and environmental sustainability for a balanced ecosystem.

Our Chickens

A caring and mutually beneficial connection.

In our care, we nurture a mutually beneficial bond with our flock of around 30 chickens. This relationship not only enriches our lives but also allows the chickens to thrive in a natural and ethical environment. By consuming their farm-fresh eggs, we consciously opt for a sustainable and local alternative, steering clear of the detrimental impact associated with supporting the large scale mainland egg industry.

“Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other.”

— Louis J. Camuti

Our Horses

Our horse friends reflect the grace, resilience, and beauty of the land.

Our rescued horses at Rainbow Bridge find solace and care in an oasis nestled in the heart of nature. Each horse carries a unique tale of survival and resilience, embodying the transformative power of compassionate rescue and ethical stewardship.

Our Bees

Allies for pollination and biodiversity conservation.

At Rainbow Bridge Hawaii, ethical beekeeping aligns with our commitment to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. By prioritizing the well-being of our bee colonies, we ensure the vitality of local ecosystems through responsible pollination. Our approach reflects a harmonious coexistence with bees, emphasizing their health, natural behaviors, and contribution to the overall balance of our permaculture design.

Want to donate to our animals?

One of our dreams is to build our rescue animals a barn to protect them from rain storms and offer us a place to provide extra care. We are also hoping to update our chicken coop, in order to better protect our hens from mongooses. By donating to our project, you can help us achieve better conditions for our beloved animal friends.

Contact us

Have questions? Reach out to us!

Do you have questions about contribution? Internships? Business inquiries? Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can!