Support our Cause

A new paradigm of participation.

We gratefully welcome support in its various sacred expressions, whether it be through helping in our garden, taking part in internships, attending workshops, or donating. We strive to live in the spirit of the gift, and hope to touch the hearts and leave a lasting impression on all of our visitors and friends.

Wednesday Garden Volunteer Days

Join us on Wednesdays for community garden days.

Every Wednesday, Rainbow Bridge Hawaii offers an opportunity for friends to come out and get their hands dirty connecting to the garden and to the community. The workday starts at 1PM and goes till around 4:30-5PM. We then take a trip to one of the waterfalls for a cooling swim and come back to enjoy a farm to table meal prepared with our harvest. It is a fun way to get “grounded” and inspired.

The best way to join and stay connected is through our “Friends of Rainbow Bridge” Telegram group.

Can't volunteer your time but still want to contribute?

We appreciate financial donations as well, to help bring us closer to our vision. Your generous donations will help us feed and care for our animals, gardens, and people, enabling us to host more events, workshops, and retreats, fostering a vibrant community on the land and on the island.

Permaculture Internship

Learn about tropical permaculture hands-on.

This program is for those looking to expand their Permaculture skillset, deepen their relationship to the Earth, and experience community off-grid living. 

Permaculture interns will work 16hours/week under the guidance of Mickey Kleinhenz. The rough weekly schedule consists of two 2 hour blocks (morning and afternoon) Monday-Thursday, a 1 hour Permaculture lesson/check-in each Friday, and weekends to recharge and explore.

Food is provided, with much of it coming from the land and gardens. Included is a private space with bedding. Cost of the internship is $600/month with a one month minimum commitment.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are happy to arrange rides to and from the airport for a small fee and some of our community members are also open to renting out their vehicles. With community we usually have enough resources to meet most needs.

Yes. The goal is to hold a structure strong enough to support learning and our existing systems while also accomodating needs and desires. We will find the win-win in most situations.

16 hours a week. There will be a balance between propagation, planting/design, and maintenance. Much of it is side by side with Mickey, but there will also be specific tasks interns take ownership of.

The work will often involve digging, cutting, and moving materials. Applicants should be able to lift 50lbs and be comfortable getting sweaty and dirty.

Mickey is the resident Farm Manager and Permaculture designer. He has degrees in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture as well as multiple PDC certificates. He has been teaching Permaculture since 2015.

Mickey came to Rainbow Bridge from Houston Texas and is excited for this new canvas to grow and learn with so many new species.
His website shares more about his story.

1-3 interns at any given time

We eat Vegetarian(mostly vegan) meals. A lot of food comes from the land and we supplement with staples like rice, oats, pasta, etc. We have a well stocked pantry and every weeknight there is a community dinner prepared by different members of the community.

Building & Maintenance Internship

Advance your building skills through a variety of unique projects.

This program is for those looking to expand their construction skillset, be of service, and experience community off-grid living.
Building Interns will work 18 hours/week under the guidance of Branden Denham and the Directors to complete construction projects as well as the routine maintenance that helps the community and farm to function smoothly. This program is a mixture of managed and self guided work with ample time for reflection and connection to the property and community. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Construction projects change over time, so checking in at the time of application can be helpful. We have many ‘single room dwelling’ construction projects in the works, as well as larger buildings. There will also be smaller projects centered around maintaining the existing infrastructure. We strive to build artfully with materials from the land as much as possible.

Yes. Applicants should be able to lift 50lbs 

This depends on the experience of the applicant and relationship with the lead builder and community. Interns can expect to be directed and supervised during their time here.

The work will often involve digging, cutting, and moving materials. Applicants should be able to lift 50lbs and be comfortable getting sweaty and dirty.

We eat Vegetarian(mostly vegan) meals. A lot of food comes from the land and we supplement with staples like rice, oats, pasta, etc. We have a well stocked pantry and every weeknight there is a community dinner prepared by different members of the community.

There is a minimum commitment of 1 month for this program.

Can't volunteer your time but still want to contribute?

We appreciate financial donations as well, to help bring us closer to our vision. Your generous donations will help us feed and care for our animals, gardens, and people, enabling us to host more events, workshops, and retreats, fostering a vibrant community on the land and on the island.

Contact us

Have questions? Reach out to us!

Do you have questions about contribution? Internships? Business inquiries? Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can!